Ask Captain Chris has MORE GOOD STUFF ready for you! To better prepare you for what to expect during a survey we present this downloadable PDF chock full of photos and how-to information.
Our primary focus in this newly released Ask Captain Chris article is what you as the boat owner will expect from surveys of fiberglass power vessels less than 65 feet:
- types of surveys
- how to find the right surveyor
- what you will experience during the survey
- some of your responsibilities as the buyer.
Many of our clients have never experienced a marine survey and are often surprised at what it does and does not provide as a significant part of the boat buying process. Order today and we will make available a detailed and downloadable PDF that will offer you the boat owner tips on how to get the most from your survey experience.
If you are lucky enough to own your boat for a few years then your insurance provider may request an updated survey. Either way, before you pay for a survey it is helpful to have an understanding of the equipment to be surveyed and a fundamental expectation of what the survey may discover. We offer these observations and explanations as an eye opener to the prospective boat owner with this caveat: Do not fall in love with your boat before your survey. Now let’s take a peek behind the curtain and see how the adventure begins…
NOW you can get your own copy and have a better understanding of what to expect from a boat survey. Ask Captain Chris 772-205-1859 or check our online store for availability.