What a great note! Thanks for your good wishes and encouragement. We think we are on the pulse of what our clients want and need but it’s always a plus when we get feedback like yours to confirm. We really appreciate your taking the time to write.
Dear Chris and Alyse,
How nice it has been to watch your ever expanding success! I enjoyed the feature article about you in Passagemaker and the link to your recipes in a recent Trawlerfest email ad. Captain Chris Yacht Services is definitely in the spotlight! I also spoke to one of the Passagemaker gals at the Miami Boat show and she had glowing compliments about you and how popular your courses continue to be. All this great press is probably keeping you pretty busy, and I imagine you are darn happy about that.
I took your couples course with my friend Kathy at the San Diego Trawlerfest. To refresh your memory, Kathy and I moved from the women’s boat handling course when it became overbooked. What good fortune that we switched. After working with you both, it is easy to see why your training programs are so successful. You are a great team and have a wonderful passion about sharing your nautical knowledge with your students. Congratulations, keep up the good work, and I wish you continued success.