The Third of Four Anchoring Tips
Glad you could join us for our third Anchoring Tips issue. Now you’ve experienced a calm and relaxing night at anchor. It is time to bring the anchor back aboard. If you are lucky then you also have an anchor windlass or capstan to help with the heavy lifting.
First, be sure that everyone is ready to start. We want to be certain that the helmsman can see the mate and the directions being given. This isn’t difficult to do but focus and attention are important.
You may think the anchor should be right in front of your boat. But the wind and the current do strange things, creating a path that looks like a swinging arc on your GPS.
So, to get closer to your anchor DO NOT use the windlass to pull the boat closer. Let your boat engines do the work and drive closer to where the anchor is on the sea floor. Your mate can guide you using arm signals.
On the video below we are aboard a Nordhavn. First, we disconnect the chain snubber which kept stress and shock off the windlass shaft. Next we began directing the helmsman to drive toward the anchor as we bring in the chain. The cling-clang you hear is the helmsman’s ring against the stainless steering wheel. Sometimes, the mate gives directions to use the bow thruster too.
Once the anchor is secure in the pulpit you notice two arms giving the signal you are free to drive.
Our last email in this series will be a compilation of Anchoring Is Easy With Captain Chris. After receiving all four Anchoring Tips if you’d like more details, consider our 90 minute Anchoring Video….or Ask Captain Chris!