We are going to try again this year and hope that mother nature keeps the hurricanes away from this wonderful event on the Chesapeake Bay. TrawlerFest is the premier event for cruisers and those who are still in the dream stage of becoming a cruiser one day.
October finds Captains Chris & Alyse at another new location for TrawlerFest – Bay Bridge Marina on the Chesapeake in Maryland! September 27 through October 1, 2016. In addition to having a booth on site where you can Ask Captain Chris ANYTHING, we will present a few essential topics for everyone who has cruising plans in their future.
From their first weekend adventures to living the dream aboard a 44-foot trawler, your eyes will be opened by Captains Chris and Alyse Caldwell as they share their experiences cruising together– and still managing to like one another! To live and work together in a small boat– even 60 foot boats can seem small-couples will need to find your comfort zone and understand each persons role aboard. True, you can only have one Captain but if you both contribute different skill sets then you’ll have 100 percent teamwork. Bring your tablet or laptop and we can show you a few tricks for easy navigation and trip planning too! This presentation is a must for future cruisers who are wondering how it can be done.
Captains Chris & Alyse Caldwell share much more than your typical shopping list. These experienced cruisers will help you learn what you should bring along to prepare for your cruise away from home port. Consider everything from spare parts and tools to first aid and groceries and how to replenish these supplies while cruising. Then where do you store these items? We will explore what works in the real world of boating and what doesn’t. You just might rethink the way you’ve always done it.
This is a must-attend seminar for any Bay-area cruisers who intend to head south on the Intracoastal Waterway. The Caldwells will outline how to prepare yourselves and your boat for the trip and highlight some of the fun and inexpensive stops from Hampton to New Orleans and beyond. Following their advice almost guarantees that you will enjoy yourself more and save several times the price of admission.
Want to learn more? Ask Captain Chris 772-205-1859 or click here for TrawlerFest Bay Bridge registration.