Welcome to TrawlerFest Baltimore where you’ll meet industry experts in trawler training like us! Also, professionals in the latest in trawler technology, marine electronic gurus and even those who provide insurance for all our toys. Fast or slow, trailerable or 65 feet, the Inner Harbor of Baltimore is the place to find what you were looking for if trawlering is your thing.
Preceded by two days of University, this TrawlerFest is 4 more days of meeting new friends and a trawler rendezvous for many of us who have been cruising extensively. You never know who you’ll bump into on the docks, in the tents, or in the wide-ranging seminars. Dinner each night offers another opportunity to mingle with the experts. Treasure Island night lets loose the pirate in all of us, too.
And! The Baltimore University class sold out quickly so we added another Building Cruising Confidence As A Couple course AFTER the Fest was over. We’ll do the same thing in February during the Fort Lauderdale TrawlerFest as our first University class already sold out in October. Don’t miss out on all the camaraderie. Scroll down to see the video and below the video are photos to see what you missed…
Come Build Cruising Confidence with Captain Chris Yacht Services and TrawlerFest. Missed us here in Baltimore? There’s always San Diego, Anacortes, Fort Lauderdale…..