Brrr! It’s already winter in Connecticut with snow on the docks. Thanks to Captain Henry Marx of Landfall Navigation we can show you what boaters up north must contend with. Lucky for us we are cruising in Florida aboard SANDY HOOK! Come on down to the sunshine state and warm your soul while learning about the cruising life. If you are one of the many who plan to travel and train with us in 2013 HURRY! Let us know your dates as our calendar is filling rapidly…
This fall Captains Chris and Alyse were on a whirlwind speaking tour all about the trawler life. We are always thrilled to meet so many of you who are as excited about cruising as we are! Standing room only for topics from The Cost of Cruising to Anchoring with Confidence during TrawlerFest Baltimore, the AGLCA Rendezvous in Alabama and TrawlerPort at the Fort Lauderdale International Boat Show.
In between all of our trips, travels and training in the Florida sun we’ve got to crow a little: We are published in the November/December 2012 PassageMaker Magazine article Confessions of a Galley Slave, and you will also find us published in SOUTHWINDS Sailing Magazine beginning November 2012. No, we haven’t become traditionalists or traded our engines for sails but we have been asked to write a monthly column called Trawler Talk about trawlers in this popular southern sailing monthly magazine. Maybe we can convert a few sailors or at least help them understand why we love the trawler lifestyle so much.
In the meantime…Aboard Our Boat in Florida:
We were busy performing scheduled maintenance on our training trawler SANDY HOOK just out of the boat yard. Here’s a peek at our time in Crackerboy’s yard.
These newlyweds wanted to get up to speed learning about what it takes to be a part-time cruiser. Not yet ready to retire they learned about boat design options that will allow them to enjoy living the dream in between that j-o-b thing. Join the fun and click right here.
While cruising the internet this couple found out about Captain Chris Yacht Services. Now they are ready to start cruising the waterways on their own boat.
NEW opportunities in 2013 to Live the Dream with us. Call us 772-205-1859 or email to schedule your adventure of a lifetime.
…Or Aboard Your Boat ANYWHERE!
This couple from AZ started their journey aboard our boat and are now full fledged cruisers.
Cruising Blogs can help you on your journey to Living the Dream! A few of our clients keep amazing cruising blogs that should not be missed. You can have something in common with them too: They all had Captain Chris Yacht Services start them out on their journey. Link here
We keep getting emails from those who DID IT and want everyone to know how much fun they are having Living the Dream. Have a bucket list to start checking off? Call Captain Chris to schedule your adventure.
November 29 – December 2, 2012 St. Petersburg Power & Sailboat Show
January 29-30, 2013 TrawlerFest University Building Cruising Confidence As A Couple. Fort Lauderdale FL. This class SOLD OUT in the first three days of registration so please call us and schedule a private class aboard our training trawler in Florida. 772-205-1859
January 31-February 2, 2013 TrawlerFest-Fort Lauderdale FL. Our first seminar is an encore performance of CONFESSIONS OF A GALLEY SLAVE Captain Alyse makes your time in the galley another fun adventure. Pick up some ideas we learned from living aboard and cruising for over 15 years on our 44 foot trawler. Next you will learn about CRUISING TOGETHER: HOW WE DID IT: From our first weekend adventures to living the dream aboard our 44-foot trawler, your eyes will be opened as we share our experiences cruising together—and we still like each other! Our third 90 minute presentation is BAHAMAS BOUND: DESTINATION ABACOS: We’ll discuss everything from supplies to available forms of communication, to customs and immigration issues you’ll experience in getting there and back. Then after walking the docks and boarding beautiful new and seasoned trawlers come spend each afternoon learning a few other tricks and tips from Captain Chris during the afternoon demonstrations on the docks. Register for these and other terrific topics right here.
February 15-17, 2013 TrawlerPort Miami Put this SRO event on your calendar and check here for topics to be presented.
March 15-17, 2013 Panama City Yacht and Boat Show – presenting many topics from Cruising the Bahamas to Pets Aboard and everything in between.
March 22-24, 2013 TrawlerPort Palm Beach more info coming soon.
April 4-7, 2013 Gulf Coast Yacht and Boat Show Click here for more information and learn how you can join in the fun.
Want to get away to warm, sunny Florida next season? Don’t miss out!! We are filling our calendar fast. Make your reservations now aboard SANDY HOOK – our 44 foot training trawler while we still have a few trips available. If your calendar doesn’t work for any of our scheduled events just create your own private cruise aboard SANDY HOOK anytime. We have sunshine not SNOW in the winter and for summer there is always a cool ocean breeze! Email or call us 772-205-1859 and start living the dream. But don’t hesitate or you’ll miss the boat! 2013 will be here before you know it.
Check out our Facebook page or YouTube Channel for what’s happening in the trawler world.