How tall is your boat and how do you decide if you need to open a drawbridge? Just because you can easily slip beneath a high span do you know about the increased current and why it may be best to allow another boat to pass under before you do?
Join the members of the Vero Beach Power Squadron on Tuesday September 30th at 7:00pm at a free seminar “Transiting Bridges Across the Waterways” and learn all about how to successfully navigate your boat through a bridge channel.
Captains Chris & Alyse Caldwell will teach you how to radio the bridge on your VHF, determine the bridge height necessary for your boat elevation, enter the draw and safely maneuver your boat through a variety of bridge designs. Actual video footage will be shown of passages made through bridges in Stuart on the Okeechobee Waterway and many others on the ICW.
Before you zip under that next bridge, before you unnecessarily ask for an opening just Ask Captain Chris and he’ll show you how to Transit Bridges!
Call 772-205-1859 or email chris@captainchrisyachtservices.com to reserve your seat at this engaging seminar presented by the Vero Beach Power Squadron at 301 Acacia Road, Vero Beach. Seating is limited.