Our guests from St. Louis have scheduled their training trip during Michael’s 60th Birthday or as we term it his 10 Fathom Birthday.
As competitive sailors having raced in many regattas in the BVI and other Caribbean competitions they have decided to move over to the DARK SIDE and get a POWER BOAT for cruising in comfort. No more cold rainy nights at the helm. They want to cruise in comfort with their choice of an air conditioner or heater depending on the weather! And maybe even cruise the internet with an inverter supplying 110 volt power until evening when they start the generator. WOW, life in the slow lane.
During their week visit we toured through our entire vessel systems including engine cooling, air conditioning, inverter/battery, GPS and Navigation Electronics. We even introduced them to DR, dead reckoning- the old reliable method of navigating using a magnetic compass, PAPER Charts and just plain looking out the window! Double WOW.
Sailboat racing is fun when you beat the other guy around the buoy. But, now that you want to see America there is no better way to travel than aboard a cruising power boat. You can anchor anywhere anytime and stay as long as you like. All your creature comforts are aboard keeping you comfortable without plugging into shore power.
A sugar-free cake (as requested by the mate-in-training) baked in the galley after a gourmet meal served on the back deck and….Happy Ten Fathom to You!