Is it really summertime? Then what are you doing at your computer? You should be cruising on the waterways and Captain Chris can show you the way aboard our 44 foot Trawler SANDY HOOK! Our Fall calendar is filling quickly but there is still time for a trip before your summer slips away.
So many adventures to share since our last e-newsletter. Read on and just imagine that YOU are in the captain’s seat….Living the Dream:
TrawlerFest Anacortes…If a picture is worth a thousand words, what would you say to photos AND a video with music? Trawlering at it’s finest!
We met wonderful cruisers at the latest AGLCA Looper Spring Rendezvous. You could say we were Nautical Nuts in Norfolk and we mean that in the nicest way! See some of the fun
This New England couple have a bare boat charter in the Pacific North West next month. Goal setting included working together as a team. check it out.
Gulf Coasters who own a fast boat came to learn about the Trawler life on the Treasure Coast… more here
Indiana Engineers come aboard with us before they attend their next boat show. …see what they learned.
Deciding to make the change from a land cruiser to the best type of cruiser- a Trawler! Lots to consider.
These TolleyCraft owners spend the winter season in Florida but their boat is up in Canada. Build Your Cruising Confidence with us
Moving up in size, we are invited aboard their Golden Star for systems training and navigation. more adventures on your boat
From a 26 ft trailer boat to a 47 ft McKenna, this couple docks their boat in the Carolinas where the tides run swift and range markers are essential…read on.
US Power Squadron raft up at Hole in the wall and Faber’s Cove…
And too many more to post here so you’ll just have to tune in next month to catch up on all our cruising adventures….and what you missed out on by not giving us a call!
- July 8, 2011 SPACE SHUTTLE Atlantis -Cape Canaveral FL. Could this really be the end of an era???
- October 4-5, 2011 TrawlerFest University – This class sells out quickly so don’t delay. Register TODAY for this in-demand class, Building Cruising Confidence As A Couple held in Baltimore’s Inner Harbor or contact us to learn how you can schedule your own PRIVATE class aboard our trawler SANDY HOOK in Florida.
- October 6-9,2011 TrawlerFest– Baltimore MD. Keep Your Engine Cool and Running Clean- Show and tell engine room fun with Captain Chris in the comfort of a classroom! Confessions of a Galley Slave– Captain Alyse makes your time in the galley another fun adventure. After walking the docks and boarding beautiful new and seasoned trawlers come spend each afternoon learning safety tips from Captain Chris- See a Life Raft deployment, Man Overboard Rescue and Toss a Safety Line for practice! Register for these and other terrific topics right here.
- October 23-26, 2011 AGLCA Fall Rendezvous Rogersville AL. Come learn about the cruising lifestyle from real loopers who are living the dream and many who are still in the planning stages…just like you!
Now booking for WINTER 2012! How does a trip to Florida in the frigid months of January and February sound? JOIN US aboard SANDY HOOK – our 44 foot training trawler.If your calendar doesn’t work for any of our scheduled events just create your own private cruise aboard SANDY HOOK anytime. We have sunshine not SNOW! Email your dates or call us 772-205-1859 and start living the dream.
Check out our facebook page or YouTube Channel for what’s happening in the trawler world.