We love to hear from our former students. But we really enjoy hearing how our seminars help prepare new boat owners! An owner of an Albin trawler recently let us know how useful it was attending our seminar Introduction to Boat Systems.
DIY After a Boat Systems Class
Capt Chris –
During our boat systems class in March, you commented on how extreme the hot water temperature can get due to the engine coolant heat exchange. Today I added a thermostatic mixing valve that I picked up on Amazon for $40. My boat’s water heater water on shore power was coming out at 128 degrees. With the mixer installed the water temperature was brought down to a steady 111 degrees. It can be adjusted up and down as needed. I wanted to share my experience with you for future reference.
I continue to make progress on our trawler’s refit. The Victron Energy electrical system is installed and running like a champ. I can run off-grid for several days with the refrigerator, hot water heater, and microwave (periodically) running along with the DC loads, but not running the A/C.
I added a solar charge controller the other day for our 400Ws of solar panels.
Thanks again for all the information from your class. I have used much of the information from the class in my re-fit design. I hope to be on the water with the boat in the coming weeks.
Tom B. – Albin Trawler
Thanks for Your Note!
Thanks Tom. Keep enjoying the adventure and thanks so much for sharing what worked for you. The photos are such a bonus for all to see (Scroll down to view them yourself).
In addition to sending photos of his recent projects, we also included two more photos to consider. If your boat heats domestic water from your engine using an antifreeze bypass loop be aware of the potential HIGH water temperature. You can turn off both valves (in photos below it’s the yellow valve) if you prefer to only use the traditional water heater with an electric element. Otherwise most boaters will install an inline temperature regulator similar to what this new boat owner showed us.
Seminars help prepare new boat owners
Seminars help prepare new boat owners and you can join us in a 2-day Ask Captain Chris Seminar in Vero Beach FL. Lots to learn in Introduction to Boat Systems or Cruising 101 FUNdamentals. Ask Captain Chris to help get you out on the water to start your adventure! 772-205-1859