Don’t miss out on this terrific opportunity. Meet Captains Chris & Alyse at the Stuart Boat Show and enjoy one of their award winning presentations! FREE with the price of admission to the largest in-water boat show north of Palm Beach!
Friday January 9, 2015
11:30am Bahamas Bound: Destination Abacos- A cruise to the Abacos is no longer the great mystery it once was. Captains Chris and Alyse discuss everything from supplies to available forms of communications, and Customs and immigration issues you’ll experience in getting there and back. Modern Electronics make the crossing easier and in less than one day most boats find a wonderful marina and restaurant awaiting their arrival.
2:30pm Cruising America’s Great Loop -Learn more about the adventure of a lifetime. The Great Loop is a 7000 mile year long journey cruising around the waterways of eastern North America. Discover all the height and depth restrictions without missing all the fun! Attend this seminar and receive a complimentary one year membership to the America’s Great Loop Cruisers Association (AGLCA), courtesy of Captains Chris & Alyse Caldwell.
Saturday January 10, 2015
1:00pm Cruising the Florida Keys-The Keys are the place to go where you can find clear water, tropical climate and an “island” attitude. Captain Chris can help you plot your course for these far away islands that are really just next door. It’s an easy place for friends to visit without a passport.
Sunday January 11, 2015
1:00pm All About Anchors- Ever had your anchor drag or listened to anchor horror stories from your boating buddies? Captain Chris will have a hands-on demonstration to put your mind at ease. Learn about which anchors are right for the sea floor conditions and why. Different types of anchors, how much scope and when you may select chain vs. rope are some topics we’ll explore. Just what IS a snubber and where can you find one? Join Captains Chris and Alyse for this interactive presentation and we promise you won’t have to clean mud off the deck.
For more information about the Stuart Boat Show click here.