Vessel Type / Length – Sea Ray 390 Motor Yacht
Cruising speed – 24 knots
Engine type / Horsepower – Twin Cummins 450 HP
Starting location – Fort Pierce, FL
Final destination – Treasure Cay,Abacos, Bahamas
Sometimes owners buy a boat sight unseen. I can be your eyes and ears on a pre-purchase sea trial. When the deal goes though I will prep the boat for your arrival, getting everything ready to make you first trip. When you come aboard we’ll review systems together and off you go!
This SeaRay has a similar story. I was first contacted by the new owner to review a punch list from the survey. He was planning a trip to the Bahamas and his wife was uncomfortable with crossing the Gulf Stream. No problem. I was glad to help.
For the next few weeks I hustled to address each item on the list including receiving new equipment purchased by the owner and shipped to this marina. After installing new batteries, changing all the fuel filters, replacing the bilge pump and repairing a shower sump, the boat was ready for the crossing.
Upon the owners arrival in Florida, we had an introduction lunch and fine tuned the last details of our float plan. Leaving before sunrise we set course for Spanish Cay, Abacos and prepared for some building weather. The sea state was increasing so we altered our course to West End, Grand Bahamas.
Arriving in the Bahamas in mid afternoon we cleared customs, topped off our fuel, hosed the salt off the decks and had an early dinner. A great day at sea!
The next morning we waited for high tide so we could idle across the shallows and head directly to Treasure Cay. Passing Mangrove Cay, Great Sale Cay, Center of the World Rock, we made the southern turn leaving Spanish Cay to our port as we already cleared customs back at West End.
Continuing our route took us west of Green Turtle Cay as we lined up for the Whale Cay Ocean Passage. Seas were kind to us this trip but this can be a hairy ride if the ocean is in a rage. Consider the winds and seas before making this crossing. VHF channel 68 has a Whale report every morning on the Cruisers Net at 9am. Local knowledge is plentiful and should be heeded.
Making our final destination in the early afternoon allowed me to hop a puddle jumper back to the States and home. With the SeaRay neatly tucked in to the protected harbor at Treasure Cay, the owners wife can now fly over and join in the adventure.