Running Gear
…and we don’t mean sneakers. Just what sort of running gear should you expect to find when you look at the hull of your boat…below the waterline? Take a careful look at these photos. Read the captions and discover more about running gear. Propellers, shaft, rudders are a few of the items you’ll need to understand when you are a proud new boat owner.
Whether you have a Displacement or Planing hull it is important to learn how your running gear is situated and designed to make your boat most efficient. Take a browse at these below deck photos seen recently in a boatyard. Discover more about learning to see what you are looking at.
Browse the Below the Waterline Photos
Many times you first see a boat at a show or at the owners dock in the water. These photos of boats in a yard allow us to show you many items that a boat owner should be aware of. When taking your boat for a haul out there are lots of otherwise hidden equipment that may need some maintenance. Study these photos and learn what to know before you go boating.
Ask Captain Chris
This may have been an eye opener for you and we’ve barely dipped our toes in the waters below the hull. Want to learn more? Join us at a seminar in Vero Beach Florida. Register to attend our 2-day educational event- Introduction to Boat Systems.
Or Ask Captain Chris 772-205-1859