This couple read about our trawler training trips in Passagemaker Magazine. Living the Dream aboard their own trawler is high on their list for post-retirement plans…just 74 days away! Here’s a note from them after they spent just TWO days with us….
Chris & Alyse,
Thank you for sending the newsletter. We sure enjoyed the article and the pics. We just wanted to say that the two days of training were a confirmation for us that our retirement dream can be our reality. The 1st – most valuable lesson – Don’t be on a schedule – the weather is the dictator. Although the weather was a bit cool and windy the two days were great. We enjoyed every meal and we also were glad to have the experience aboard a Gulfstar, a style we had not been aboard. The engine room convinced John it’s the boat for us. We’re on a mission to find a 44 Gulfstar of our own. I’ll be tossing lines and tying up on a cleat before you know it. Thank you for the training .
See you on the water,
Moses & Gail