Something is probably happening in your neighborhood to celebrate and honor our veterans. Scour the newspaper, google it online but find a place where you can say thank you our heroes! Here is what’s happening in ours…
At 4:00 PM on Monday, May 30th, we will have a short memorial ceremony, outside the Power Squadron, around the flag pole to honor our veterans. The prayer will be read by Jan Mooney!
Please RSVP, as soon as possible, with your name, rank and branch of service if you are a veteran. We would like all veterans to wear either a hat or tee shirt with an emblem of your branch of service.
Volunteers are always needed to make our celebration a success! Please let me know what you are willing to do. We need as many hands as possible!
Following the prayer service, dinner will be served at 6:00 PM. The cost for this celebration will be $12.50 per person. The menu is as follows:
Roasted Chicken
Italian Sausage with onions and peppers
Pasta Salad
Corn Salad
Apple and Cherry Pie with Ice Cream
2 drinks per person – your choice of Wine/Beer/Soda
Please email me to sign up for this event! My email is jmichini8902@comcast.net