Engine room access is essential when you should plan to be in there at least every day before starting the engines.
Do you know what’s what?
Planning to buy a boat? Do you really know what you are looking at once you get aboard? Check out these photos to see how much you understand about boat systems or …Ask Captain Chris BEFORE you start your quest for the perfect boat.
Aside from length, single or twin engines, one or two heads and price there is so much more to know about boats to make an informed decision. We believe you should know more about the equipment and systems aboard your boat and we can help you learn!
What makes it go?
What keeps it running?
How does it keep you cool when sleeping?
Just what is that gadget and do I need it to have fun and be safe?
Join us in Vero Beach, Florida for two days of Introduction to Boat Systems, a class for those who want to Do It Yourself! Don’t be caught off guard and think you are getting a great boat only to learn about all the uh-ohs…after the sale.
Tour these photos below to determine what is what. Do you know if the part is good or bad? If you can service it yourself? Or do you need to schedule a technician?
We will assist you on vessel sea trials and surveys before you buy or join us in Vero for two days to become a self reliant and smarter boat buyer. Just Ask Captain Chris!
Black water tanks (sewage) foul air is vented overboard every time the head is flushed. Locate your air vent filter and learn how to replace the charcoal granules.
Electric bow thrusters use a lot of energy requiring large amperage circuit breakers. Learn where your breaker is located in case you need to reset it quickly. The small oil bottle is to lubricate the shaft bearings.
Many hydraulic steering and engine controls have a pressurized reservoir for the fluid. Check the air pressure gauge and fluid level in this tank. How would you refill this unit? What do the Red and Green tape marks indicate?
Another kind of shaft seals are DRIPLESS designs as seen here. Look at the small spray pattern (black line) proving they are drip LESS but not never drip.
Traditional shaft seals are supposed to drip a small amount of water to cool the packing material. The packing is called FLAX and should have three rings compressed under the jam nut and secured with the lock nut. This seal has recently been repacked.
Research this cream colored drivesaver online. It connects between the gear output flange and the propeller shaft flange. Study the bolt pattern.
This is the hydraulic trim tab pump usually located inside the transom of the boat. Look through the translucent white container for fluid level. What type of fluid is used?
Raw water pump cover plate has been turned over to use the other side. Look at the wear marks on the plate. Learn how to inspect your cooling pumps on each engine.
Now you can see why the rudder posts are NOT inline with the propeller shafts.Easy to remove the shaft without pulling the rudder first.
Engine room access is essential when you should plan to be in there at least every day before starting the engines.