If you will be near the Treasure Coast area of Florida on Saturday March 13, 2021 at 11 am then come join us at a FREE life raft demonstration. Ask Captain Chris how the life raft deployment works, what gear is inside and how to board the craft after it is inflated… YES! We will be inflating a life raft so don’t miss out on learning about boat safety while having fun.
Life Raft Demonstration
On Saturday, March 13, 2021 at 11:00 AM, there will be a demonstration of inflating and entering a life raft. This demonstration will take place outside the Vero Beach Power Squadron building on the lawn. 301 Acacia Road, Vero Beach FL 32963. Observers will be able to remain Covid safe. The demonstration will be conducted by Captain Chris Caldwell, a highly regarded maritime instructor. This demonstration is open to all, so bring your friends and neighbors. And it’s FREE!!
Questions? Need directions? Want to learn more? Ask Captain Chris 772-205-1859 or email chris@captainchrisyachtservices.com