Yes! You are looking at the new Kadey Krogen 48 North Sea AE, Advanced Ergonomics. While some of the improvements may be unappreciated at first glance we sure noticed them when we started operating the boat with new owners aboard. You can check out all the great features of this perfect cruising trawler at the next TrawlerFest!
We met Bruce and Sue earlier in the year when they joined us aboard our Training Trawler Sandy Hook in Fort Pierce, FL. (click here for details of that trip). They are moving up from a smaller sailboat to a larger cruising trawler and had a brand new Kadey Krogen 48 AE on order due to be commissioned in early Spring. We showed them the ropes aboard our twin engine trawler and cruised the Treasure Coast, Crossroads, all three Roosevelt Bridges and anchored each night to give them the true cruising feeling.
Fast forward to the arrival of their new boat and with commissioning nearing completion, they asked us to join them for a few additional days of training. The good folks of Kadey Krogen spent a few days with them on vessel systems and operation of their new boat, Martek installed their navigation suite and trained them on all the latest and greatest of electronics so now it’s our turn….we hopped aboard to begin advanced boat handling skills.
Boy! they got what they asked for, advanced training with a nod to Mother Nature. Winds of 15 to 20 knots SE and a lot of wave action gave us much to consider in our maneuvering and planning. We reviewed below deck systems including looking at the out-of-sight out-of-mind areas like the exhaust elbow on the generator. We practiced burping the air conditioner water pump, explained the rudder followers for the auto pilot & rudder angle indicator, and traced out the entire raw water cooling system including the hydraulic stabilizers and hydraulic bow thruster.
Since they were heading north to the Jersey Coast in the next three days we had much to cover. Basic Navigation was practiced every day during our previous training time together so we could make the leap to planning their cruise, anchorages and marina stops along their northerly trek. Bruce had an epiphany that 100 mile days were not going to be the norm and flexibility would keep this cruise in the realm of pleasure boating. Using paper charts, guide books and cruiser friendly web sites helped make the task something realistic.
As the weather was predicted to ease on the second day it was decided we would head out first thing in the morning. We worked on dock line positioning and demonstrated why we prefer NOT to choke lines on a piling. Fortunately this beautiful boat is well equipped with a hydraulic bow thruster so its continuous use was essential when we tried to reposition the lines against a stiff wind (ie. unchoke the choked lines and replace with a bowline or three foot loop).
You guessed it…the next morning proved that NOAA was wrong once again. We still had SE 20 knots. Here we go! Alyse and Sue set dock lines in a manner to cast off without assistance from marina staff. We were free! Bruce eased us out of the slip with respect for the strong wind on our starboard side and communication from Sue as his eyes on the port side and stern. Crabbing out of the private channel, we moved into the Indian River headed south to the Okeechobee Waterway. As we neared the crossroads we appreciated the approaching high tide. It’s never fun when you kiss the bottom because of shallow water. We cruise around the Hell Gate channel in Stuart and before you know it we are headed directly for the Roosevelt Bridge asking for an opening while maneuvering in the cross currents of the tidal flow. Bruce will attest to the fact that traversing this tight trio of bridges is much less daunting having experienced it a few months before in our training trawler. Still, he gives it his full attention and makes certain that all assets are in place such as bow thruster, binoculars and a great navigator for situational awareness.
Next we ease into the St. Lucie North River to practice upwind and downwind maneuvering around a daymarker. Lesson learned: avoid all downwind or down current docking and have a healthy respect for how your specific boat is effected by each. Looking for another adventure is easy in the nearby crowded mooring field at Sunset Bay in Stuart. We practiced picking up a mooring ball, complete with the lines full of gooey, yucky green algae that you try to keep off your boat. Mission accomplished so we now headed for Loggerhead Marina to practice docking at their floating docks. A bonus of the floating docks will be that we plan to install an anchoring snubber on the low level bow eye.
Advanced maneuvering or masters level was required here. The winds were still about 20 knots and the tide is now falling creating an exciting cross current. We skillfully used a breast line to steady the boat in the floating dock slip while Bruce used the bow thruster to teeter totter the boat to secure the stern first and then the bow. Communicating with a stranger on the dock identified problems that can sometimes arise when you rely on line handling help. We gave clear directions-so we thought- and after a chorus of “Wrap it! Wrap it!” we managed to beat the current. When handing lines to marina staff you lose control if you keep the looped end of the line on your boat. Something else to consider. After all the commotion we rest a minute then snap the anchor snubber in place. Success!
Few tweaks of the dock lines and once again we head out into the waterway. Watching the swift current we decide it best to return through the crossroads before the ebbing tide makes it impassable. The super moon is two nights away and things are different from the posted tide charts. Skinnnnnny water!
Having worked up an appetite we look forward to anchoring for a late afternoon lunch. Lots to discuss as we dine on the aft deck….But wait, there’s more. Yes Bruce and Sue now have to put the boat back into the slip at Four Fish Marina in Jensen Beach. If we haven’t had enough excitement today this is the last chore to accomplish. Adrenaline rushing, excitement level is high and Bruce spins the boat around and backs into the slip while Sue sets the breast line and then the stern line. No muss no fuss and best of all NO screaming. In fact this was anti climatic compared to the rest of the day.
Break out the ice tea pitcher and pour a cold one to relax. Silver Bay, Bruce and Sue are ready to start their adventure and cruise north for the season. Join us below to see a few photos of this incredible Kadey Krogen and her proud new owners.