Captains Chris & Alyse are at TrawlerPort in the Miami Yacht & Brokerage Show!
What’s TrawlerPort?
TrawlerPort offers FREE boating activites taught by your favorite marine industry professionals…like us!! Come see us at the TrawlerPort Tent at Ramp 4 on Collins Avenue. Here’s our schedule of events:
February 15, 2013 at 10AM – We’ll broadcast LIVE from Miami TrawlerPort on the AGLCA BlogTalkRadio show. Tune in.
February 15, 2013 at 12 Noon – Bahamas Bound: Destination Abacos
February 16, 2013 at 12 Noon – Cruising Together: How We Started & Are Still Doing It After 20 years
February 17, 2013 at 12 Noon – Navigation: Rules of the Road Made Simple
Register for these and other FREE presentations right here. Gather great trawler tips that will help you start Living the Dream.
Can’t make it to Miami? Don’t miss out!! Make your reservations now aboard SANDY HOOK – our 44 foot training trawler. If your calendar doesn’t work for any of our scheduled events just create your own private cruise aboard SANDY HOOK anytime. We have sunshine not SNOW in the winter and for summer there is always a cool ocean breeze! Email or call us 772-205-1859 and start living the dream. But don’t hesitate or you’ll miss the boat!
Check out our Facebook page or YouTube Channel for what’s happening in the trawler world.