Captain Chris Yacht Services will once again present seminars at this terrific Gulfport, Mississippi location APRIL 8-10 AND April 15-17, 2016. This terrific show has expanded to TWO weekends! Details below so you won’t miss a thing… (SCROLL HALFWAY DOWN THIS PAGE TO SEE THE AGENDA FOR OUR SECOND WEEKEND OF FREE SEMINARS)
NEW FOR 2016!! Captain Chris has something special planned for those boaters who seriously want to learn about Building Cruising Confidence. A TWO-day course will be held on Wednesday and Thursday April 13-14, 2016 from 9AM to 5PM for only $295 per person, lunch included! Scroll down this page in between the two boat show weekends and learn more about this WOW event! Or register right here. Space limited to 10!
The Gulfcoast Yacht and Boat Show is the largest Boat Show on the Gulf Coast. Previously held in Orange Beach, Alabama this is the fourth year that the show is presented in the brand new 40 million dollar renovated Jones Park in Gulfport, Mississippi. This awesome facility accommodates vessels over 100′ in length and Captain Chris will offer FREE Seminars each weekend in the seminar tent.
*****Here is our 2016 agenda*****
First weekend schedule: April 8-10, 2016
Friday –
- 11AM Boat Buying Basics -There are many questions to ask yourself before purchasing a new or used boat: How much time will you spend on board? Where will you cruise? How much will it cost? In this seminar Captains Chris & Alyse open your eyes to help you find the Perfect Boat for you.
- 1PM How We Did It -Are you dreaming about cruising? Discover how a cruising couple got started and continued the lifestyle for 20 years. From their first weekend adventures to living the dream aboard a 44-foot trawler, learn valuable lessons from Captains Chris and Alyse Caldwell as they share their experiences cruising together. (And they still like each other!)
- 3PM Demonstration in the Water – Captain Chris dons a Survival Suit AKA Gumby suit with Personal Locator Beacon PLB/EPIRB, demonstrating what the fisherman on TVs Deadliest Catch must know how to use to save their life. Even the Gulf of Mexico has water cold enough to cause hypothermia.
- 5PM Cruising America’s Great Loop -Learn more about the adventure of a lifetime. The Great Loop is a 7000 mile year long journey cruising around the waterways of eastern North America. Attend this seminar and receive a complimentary one year membership to the America’s Great Loop Cruisers Association (AGLCA), courtesy of Captain Chris. Discover everything about becoming a looper!
- 11AM Cruising the FL Keys – The Keys are the place to go where you can find clear water, tropical climate and an “island” attitude. Captain Chris can help you plot your course for these far away islands that are really just next door. It’s an easy place for friends to visit without a passport.
- 1PM Inflatable PFDs (Life Jackets)– Just because you wear an inflatable Personal Floatation Device (PFD) doesn’t mean it’s ready to inflate. Learn more about different types of inflatable PFDs and their care and maintenance. Take a few minutes to discover which works best for you.
- 3PM Demonstration in the Water – Captain Chris dons a Survival Suit AKA Gumby suit with Personal Locator Beacon PLB/EPIRB, demonstrating what the fisherman on TVs Deadliest Catch must know how to use to save their life. Even the Gulf of Mexico has water cold enough to cause hypothermia.
- 5PM Bahamas Bound – Destination Abacos -A cruise to the Abacos is no longer the great mystery it once was. Captains Chris and Alyse discuss everything from supplies to available forms of communications. Customs and immigration procedures you’ll experience in getting there and back will be reviewed. Modern Electronics make the crossing easier and in less than one day most boats find a wonderful marina and restaurant awaiting their arrival.
- 11AM Cruising the Panhandle, Gulf Port to Apalachicola Ready to start Living the Dream? This seminar will whet your appetite for cruising. Along with some wonderful photos of these cruising grounds and internet resources to help you plan your journey, you will get an overview of the ICW from Gulfport MS to Apalachicola FL with a few different options along the way. Captains Chris & Alyse can help you plot your course for adventure in your own backyard.
- 1PM Building Cruising Confidence – Be an asset to your captain. Captain Alyse Caldwell will show you the ropes, from navigation tips to taking the helm. Learn what a good mate needs to know when the captain goes on break…and how to keep it fun!
- 3PM Anchoring Essentials – From selecting the right anchor to understanding terms like rode and scope, Captain Chris will ease your learning curve. The next time you anchor you will feel more confident whether it is just to enjoy an afternoon lunch or sleep overnight.
NEW FOR 2016!! April 13-14, 2016 Wednesday & Thursday from 9AM to 5PM
Building Cruising Confidence (Limit: 10 students) Captains Chris and Alyse Caldwell, a husband-and-wife team of cruising coaches, lead a two day jam-packed cruisers’ orientation, offering tricks and tips on vessel preparation, safety and trip planning with an emphasis on teamwork. Each crew member will be given the opportunity to walk in the deck shoes of both the “captain” and “first mate.” Training includes lively discussions, hands-on prep work and a below-deck systems preview over two days, first in the classroom and then on a featured vessel docked in the boat show marina. Additionally you will practice effective communication skills with crew as well as use the VHF radio. Your coaches will make navigation easy to understand and you will apply it using paper charts, GPS and radar. They’ll take the mystery out of overnight anchoring, sharing fundamental anchor theory as you lower and raise an anchor from the pulpit using a windlass. You will learn proper line handling, tips on close-quarters maneuvers and docking procedures as all types of boats come and go in the marina. Captains Chris and Alyse will also show you how the training vessel’s generator helps transition from shore power to ship power. They will share what works in the real world…and sometimes what doesn’t.
Please note: While we will bring all systems to life in the featured vessel, we will not leave the dock during this two-day session.
Advanced registration required – $295 per person. Call Captain Chris for details 772-205-1859 or REGISTER NOW for this opportunity of a lifetime!
Second weekend schedule: April 15-17, 2016
Friday –
- 11AM Cruising Lifestyle, How We Did It -Are you dreaming about cruising? Discover how a cruising couple got started and continued the lifestyle for 20 years. From their first weekend adventures to living the dream aboard a 44-foot trawler, learn valuable lessons from Captains Chris and Alyse Caldwell as they share their experiences cruising together. (And they still like each other!)
- 1PM Engine Cooling Systems – Learn from a seasoned cruiser as Captain Chris takes you through the cooling system on an inboard boat engine. We’ll get you comfortable with the language of raw water systems. You will discover how these cooling systems work from the raw water impeller through the various heat exchangers and the water cooled exhaust elbow.
- 3PM Understanding Your VHF Marine Radio – Captain Chris will coach you and your mate on proper radio use. Whether it’s an emergency or you just need to contact the bridge tender, come pick up a few tips on sounding like a real cruiser on the radio. MMSI is the Maritime Mobil Service Identity that all new VHF radios include for safety and emergency use.
- 5PM Cruising America’s Great Loop -Learn more about the adventure of a lifetime. The Great Loop is a 7000 mile year long journey cruising around the waterways of eastern North America. Attend this seminar and receive a complimentary one year membership to the America’s Great Loop Cruisers Association (AGLCA), courtesy of Captain Chris. Discover everything about becoming a looper!
- 11AM The Cost of Cruising – From deciding what style of boat will accomplish your goals to budget considerations, Captains Chris and Alyse Caldwell will guide you through this new adventure. These seasoned cruisers will share their personal experiences as owner/operators and offer you options in your cruising future that won’t break the bank.
- 1PM Changing Fuel Filters- Although you are not a mechanic that doesn’t mean your cruise has to be cancelled because of a dirty fuel filter. Captain Chris will show you how to change a fuel filter, prime the system and restart your engine. Easy as 1-2-3!
- 3PM Anchoring Essentials – From selecting the right anchor to understanding terms like rode and scope, Captain Chris will ease your learning curve. The next time you anchor you will feel more confident whether it is just to enjoy an afternoon lunch or sleep overnight.
- 5PM All About Mates – Be an asset to your captain. Captain Alyse Caldwell will show you the ropes. Do you know how to spring into action should you suddenly need to manage on your own? Learn what a good mate needs to know when the captain is at the helm…and how to keep it fun!
- 11AM Provisioning for the Long Haul – Captain Alyse shares much more than your typical shopping list. Learn what you should bring along to prepare for months away from home base. Consider everything from spare parts and tools to first-aid. Then where do you store these items? You just might rethink the way you’ve always done it.
- 1PM Bahamas Bound – Destination Abacos -A cruise to the Abacos is no longer the great mystery it once was. Captains Chris and Alyse discuss everything from supplies to available forms of communications. Customs and immigration procedures you’ll experience in getting there and back will be reviewed. Modern Electronics make the crossing easier and in less than one day most boats find a wonderful marina and restaurant awaiting their arrival.
- 3PM Right Knot for the Right Job – Do you know which knot is appropriate for every situation when you are boating? Captains Chris & Alyse will teach you this lost skill of knot tying in a hands-on seminar. Which knots are best for long term dockage or just tying up to the fuel dock on a sunny day. Clove hitch, two half hitches, cleat knot, sheepshank and bowline are some of the more common knots we’ll cover. No experience is necessary to attend and it’s also a good refresher for salty dogs who have gotten a bit rusty.