If you follow us on FaceBook you may have had a peek at our newest crew member…Bert is our Goldendoodle puppy who is just learning his name, never mind how to live the dream cruising! But YOU can easily learn all the tricks and tips for cruising together as a couple…and have fun in Florida this winter with us aboard our 44 foot Training Trawler SANDY HOOK.
Breaking News About the OWW (Okeechobee WaterWay) to share with those who are planning an early fall transit across the state of Florida. While the water level has finally come up enough for a 4 foot draft boat, the Army Corp has now decided to do maintenance. Cruisers Net has the latest information about upcoming lock closures. Looper’s may take this opportunity to cruise around the beautiful Florida Keys.
Now for some of our latest fun aboard SANDY HOOK our 44ft Training Trawler! Imagine it’s YOU behind the wheel – Living the Dream…
- SANDY HOOK joined many Power Squadron Members at the DIstrict 8 Rendezvous held in Fort Lauderdale. Take a peek.
- Future Loopers from Oklahoma Living the Dream. A Photo log lets you join the cruise.
- Ten Fathom Birthday dreams come true for this couple. Read about a week aboard.
And then we hopped on a few other boats for transition training:
- A 48 Selene starts the snowbird route. Wanna ride along?
- An ocean run from south Florida to the Chesapeake Bay and into Norfolk. Don’t miss the video of how incredible this Kadey Krogen performs.
- From TrawlerFest to a Mainship 43. Read how well these new owners make the transition.
- A single hander asks us to share our Bahama prep experience so she can hop over for a long weekend of fun and sun. Want to learn more?
- Owner of a Beneteau Swift Trawler is Bahama Bound with Captain Chris aboard for moral support.
- A 47 foot DeFever is a lot of boat but not when Captain Chris helps out. We spent a few days at the beginning of their journey and… well, see for yourself!
- Sail to Power in a few easy days. Power Squadron Member in New England is pleased to have Captain Chris come aboard to build confidence.
Stay tuned for more training trips and tips in our fall newsletter…..
Here on the Treasure Coast of Florida we managed to escape Hurricane Irene with only 40knot gusts as she skirted the nearby Bahamas, sparing Florida. If you are anywhere on the eastern coast of the US then be safe and make your preparations! Don’t wait to evacuate!
- October 4-5, 2011 TrawlerFest University – Building Cruising Confidence As A Couple. This class is SOLD OUT!! So, we’ve scheduled a second class October 10-11 but HURRY as it will sell out too.
- October 10-11, 2011 TrawlerFest University-TAKE TWO!!Call 410 -990-9086 ext. 21 to register TODAY for this in-demand class, Building Cruising Confidence As A Couple held in Baltimore’s Inner Harbor or contact us to learn how you can schedule your own PRIVATE class aboard our trawler SANDY HOOK in Florida.
- October 6-9,2011 TrawlerFest– Baltimore MD. Keep Your Engine Cool and Running Clean- Show and tell engine room fun with Captain Chris in the comfort of a classroom! Confessions of a Galley Slave– Captain Alyse makes your time in the galley another fun adventure. After walking the docks and boarding beautiful new and seasoned trawlers come spend each afternoon learning safety tips from Captain Chris- See a Life Raft deployment, Man Overboard Rescue and Toss a Safety Line for practice! Register for these and other terrific topics right here.
- October 23-26, 2011 AGLCA Fall Rendezvous Rogersville AL. Come learn about the cruising lifestyle from real loopers who are living the dream and many who are still in the planning stages…just like you! Not a member yet? Contact us and find out how to get a year for free.
- October 28, 2011 Fort Lauderdale International Boat Show PassageMaker’s TrawlerPort presents Captain Chris Yacht Services. Do I hear a TA-DA!? Come see an incredible array of trawlers on the B and C docks of Bahia Mar Marina at this great show. Spend a few minutes in the TrawlerPort tent and learn all about fuel filters and your vessel’s electrical energy management requirements. Or just stop by and say hi! We’d love to meet you and chat about your cruising dreams.
- November 8-12, 2011 is all about TrawlerFest in San DiegoCA. Stay tuned for more details in our next newsletter…
Now booking for WINTER 2012! How does a trip to Florida in the frigid months of January and February sound? JOIN US aboard SANDY HOOK – our 44 foot training trawler.If your calendar doesn’t work for any of our scheduled events just create your own private cruise aboard SANDY HOOK anytime. We have sunshine not SNOW! Email or call us 772-205-1859 and start living the dream. But don’t hesitate or you’ll miss the boat!
Check out our facebook page or YouTube Channel for what’s happening in the trawler world.