If you have cruising on your bucket list but you or your mate need some help getting started then our Cruising 101 Seminar is your first adventure…Ask Captain Chris about cruising FUNdamentals! This comprehensive seminar will open your eyes to the life of a cruiser and all the essentials you and your crew need to master before you leave the dock – in just 2 days with an optional boat yard tour on the third day.
Friday & Saturday February 3-4, 2017 9a-5p
Friday & Saturday March 31 – April 1, 2017 9a-5p
Space is limited. Registration NOW OPEN
* Optional Boat Yard Tour on Sunday morning following the 2 day Cruising 101 workshop. Call Captain Chris for details 772-205-1859
Day One:
The Perfect Boat For You. Understand the entire boat buying process in detail, avoid pitfalls and discover your best boat buying options for your adventure. Topics will include boat designs, styles, layouts, valuation services, surveys, propulsion systems including single or twin engines, gas or diesel, thrusters and docking techniques that work for each.
Navigation Made Easy. Review the latest in navigation resources including paper charts, electronic chart plotters, and internet websites that can help you plan your cruise for a day or the whole season. Learn about whistle signals, lights, and other navigational assets while you discover how to interpret range makers, tides and currents. You’ll learn that navigation is much more than moving from one waypoint to the next…and there’s no final exam!
Anchoring Techniques. Ever had your anchor drag or listened to anchor horror stories from your boating buddies? Captain Chris will have a hands-on demonstration to put your mind at ease. Learn about which anchors are right for the sea floor conditions and why. Different types of anchors, how much scope and when you may select chain vs. rope are some topics we’ll explore.
Crew Communication. Remember the first time you and your mate went boating together? Amazing that any of us make it past that initial adventure….Oh sure, we start with such high hopes for the idyllic cruise- the thrill of taking the helm for the first time. Some tips from a Boat Whisperer should keep you on track. Verbal communication, arm signals and Float Plans will be included.
Vessel Communications. Explore with us the how-to of vessel intentions, internet, AIS, RADAR, SPOT and VHF radio. Sound like alphabet soup? Come learn more about each of these easy to use electronic tools found aboard more pleasure boats today.
Line Handling. Practice a proper cleat knot to keep your boat secure. Learn how to tie a bowline and other useful knots for the confident cruiser.
Open Forum Q&A
Day Two
Confessions of a Galley Slave. Planning a weekend trip? Maybe cruising for a few months? Captain Alyse will share ideas, shortcuts and hints that will make your time in the galley another fun adventure. All of our galley recipes are easy to make and can work perfectly in the small confines of a one burner stove or toaster oven and one small square foot of counter space….as well as in the spacious galley of a large cruiser. With the right tools and the right attitude everything tastes better on a boat.
Safety Aboard. This exciting, interactive and dynamic topic offers a fresh way to think about safety aboard and is one you will NOT soon forget! From Inflatable PFDs to EPIRBs Ask Captain Chris everything you need to know about safety equipment to be sure YOURS will work when you need it.
Trip Planning. Plan a cruise starting here in Florida and we will show you how easy it is to go anywhere! From selecting each port of call to provisioning groceries, fuel and spare parts, Captains Chris and Alyse will coach you using various resources. Yes! You will be planning your next trip so bring your charts, guide books and iPad or tablet for a hands-on session.
Boat Owner Maintenance. Captain Chris will take the mystery out of maintenance. If fuel filters, impellers, & bilge pumps aren’t in your everyday comfort zone then this session will help prepare you to start your Cruising Adventure.
Optional Day three:
A boatyard tour with boats on the hard in different stages of service. You will see boat systems & equipment including shafts, props, struts, rudders, zincs, cutlass bearings, stabilizers, thru-hull fittings, anti-fouling paint, blister repair, swim platform brackets, thrusters- bow & stern, single engine and twin engines. You will be exposed to different hull designs including full displacement, semi-planing & planing hulls. whew! This type of walk-thru can help you understand your present boat or become a better informed buyer for your next boat purchase. Additional $40 per person. Just send us an email if you’d like to join us for the tour.
Let’s go cruising!