What to do now that we can’t go anywhere
We always look forward to seeing our boat friends at a rendezvous or show. Unfortunately this spring so many of these events and seminars have been cancelled or postponed due to the Corona Virus – COVID-19. Don’t fret! There are still so many ways we can connect by social media. Forums such as the AGLCA or FaceBook pages will let you “see” what everyone is doing and catch up until everyone is cruising again.
Visiting with friends you’ve already met is terrific. And, meeting new, more experienced boaters is definitely a bonus at a rendezvous. But what about the newbie who wanted to learn by attending seminars?
I want to learn – not just visit 🙁
The AGLCA is working on providing webinars for those who planned to attend the 2020 Spring Rendezvous in Norfolk. But some of the seminars aren’t really suitable for a slide show or without an opportunity for Q&A. We like to present the real thing when it comes to DIY equipment. But we don’t always have that option so….
To get creative in a less than ideal situation (social distancing is the key word), we’ve gathered a few key videos from our YouTube Channel for you to watch, learn and enjoy.
In this article we provide direct links to individual videos in different playlists. Not Familiar with our YouTube Channel? Here’s a link to another article of how to best spend time learning via our FREE Ask Captain Chris YouTube Channel. It will include information about playlists and more. So if you’ve already read the How-To YouTube article or are YouTube savvy enough then let’s move on to some specific topics here.
Boatyard Fun
At some point or another a boat owner will spend time in a boatyard. The first time will likely be when you have the pre-purchase survey. Then you will haul your soon-to-be new boat for a look at the below waterline hull and equipment. Often we haul a boat when we make repairs. If you’re lucky then it will simply be hauled for a new coat of anti-fouling paint every so many years.
Here are a small sampling of videos from time spent in a boatyard. The first offers a review of an unusually large number of boats in the yard. These boats were hauled due to an upcoming hurricane in Florida. Click here to take a walk-through with Captain Chris.
And if you are interested in how these boats get hauled into the boat yard here is a video of a simple haul out. Watch how the boat is secured in the travel lift.
Engine Room Tours
Maybe you’ve never been in an engine room of a cruising boat. These videos are just a sample of some that you will find on our YouTube channel to introduce you to the heart of your floating city. Or maybe you have been in your own boat’s engine room but you really don’t know what’s what because you have a mechanic who manages that part of your boat. If that’s the case and you plan to be a full time cruiser then we suggest you get to know your systems a little better.
First up is a 6 minute video touring the engine room of a Hatteras LRC – Long Range Cruiser. While many of us don’t have such a spacious engine room aboard our boat, taking this video tour will give you an idea of the systems aboard most cruising boats. It’s essential to at least understand what’s below deck and know what preventive maintenance you can do as the owner/operator. Your cruising boat is like a small city with many systems to maintain besides the engine. Most of it is simple enough to learn even if you’ve never seen an engine before. So let’s take a peek here.
Our second video selection offers a tour through the engine room of a Mainship in a boatyard. In addition to the generator being replaced there are many other items in need of attention on this late model boat. Take a look and learn about some of the engine room equipment found in many cruising boats. Bring your flashlight as this boat has minimal power while on the hard. Click here to view.
This Marine Trader 50 has great access to much of what you can DIY. See what it takes to run this cruising boat and be honest- how much of what you see do you truly understand? If the answer is I don’t know what I don’t know…here’s a seminar you may want to attend in the future when we are back together again in person!
Impeller? What is it and why should you care.
Your boat engine must be cooled just like your car engine but there is a difference in how the cooling takes place. In this video Captain Chris give you a look at the cooling pump and a not-so-good rubber impeller that failed it’s job. In this second video we are doing an on the spot assessment and removal of a failed impeller. Unfortunately we had to wait for things to cool down before we could finish the job but it’s not that difficult to do even if you don’t have the correct impeller puller tool handy.
Cruising vs Yachting
Cruising is fixing your boat in exotic places. Yachting is paying someone to fix your boat in exotic places. That is, if you can find the tech, the part you need and spare the time for your boat to be out of commission. So which do you want to be- a Cruiser or a Yachtie? Ask Captain Chris if you’d like to learn more about cruising. 772-205-1859