Has your boat ever been attacked by flying pests? We cruised for 20++ years and never really had issues with bugs aboard a boat. Except….in the Chesapeake Bay where we encountered hideous LSD (Land Sh#% and Die) flying insects. These critters left a blue dye everywhere they touched including our teak and white gel coat. But that’s another story for another day. Today we are recalling a more recent encounter with a potentially equally disastrous outcome.
Settled in at the dock
One evening after training aboard a client’s powercat, we docked at the last spot available under a street light at the marina. Boy that street light was bright! Aside from having to close our portlight curtains to sleep, we were happy. This wide body was lucky to get a side-tie slip with power for the air conditioners. Did I mention it was summer on The Okeechobee Waterway in Florida? It was impossible to think of sleeping without the air conditioners. So we buttoned everything up and drifted off to a wonderfully cool slumber.
Surprise Bugs Aboard and a Happy Accident
So the next morning after engine room fluid checks and coffee we started up ready to cast off. Our first steps out onto the side decks were….eye opening to say the least. It seems we had some guests overnight and most of them stayed. Black and gray leggy and winged things were stuck on the white gelcoat of the cabin and decks. Bugs everywhere, decks, roofs, dinghy, doorways and… EVERYWHERE.
No problem, says this new owner. He had a battery powered leaf blower aboard and walked around blowing the bugs away. We know we have some strange items on our recommended spare parts list but a leaf blower? This special tool made it aboard as a happy accident.
New Tool to Consider
And what a great tool it is! When you are bugged by bugs aboard a boat, Mayflies, Mosquitoes, LSDs, Gnats, Love Bugs??? Then consider this tool. Blowing the overnight guests overboard offered no smashed bugs to stain the deck. Just a little wind here and there and poof! The boat was all cleaned up. After the great bug job I asked why he had the leaf blower on the boat and he replied he didn’t know. It was in the truck and got moved aboard the boat “just because it was there”. Now it is another important piece of cruising equipment for you to consider. Watch the video!…and Ask Captain Chris 772-205-1859. And join us for our next Cruising FUNdamentals seminar in Vero Beach FL