Planning, Practice & Preparation Promote Proper Performance.
Many of you know that Captain Chris is both an Eagle Scout and a Sea Explorer from waaay back. When in doubt Safety wins out!
Planning with Seminars – Captain Chris Yacht Services presented these timely TrawlerFest topics while in Rhode Island:
- Building Cruising Confidence as a Couple is the classroom interpretation of our on-the-water program. This is a big hit offering things to practice anytime/anywhere!
- Dinghy Dynamics shares all the hows and whys of buying, use and storage of a dinghy. Gets you thinking about how a dinghy will enhance your cruising boat.
- The Right Knot for the Right Job a hands-on class rounds out the weekend seminars. More Practice for all.
- How to turn FIFTY without even trying. The charming TrawlerFest staff torch a perfectly good birthday cake for Alyse’s half century event.
Captain Chris Yacht Services helps TrawlerFest attendees learn the 6 Ps to enhance their big boating adventure. These soon-to-be cruising couples explore the ins and outs of trawlers, all the essential support products and the latest technologies in safety equipment. If you missed this terrific event try to meet us at TrawlerFest and PassageMaker University in Baltimore this September. Or, plan your own trip with us aboard SANDY HOOK our 44 foot training trawler.
Practice with us aboard SANDY HOOK – Bon Voyage is a French term meaning have a good trip. Here’s a sneak peak at some of our good trips this summer.
- Our first trip is aboard our training trawler SANDY HOOK. This Arizona couple each come from very different boating experiences yet they want to buy a yacht and go cruising. Sounds interesting? The editor from Passagemaker thinks so too and she joins us on this wonderful adventure.
- Next we help a couple become more comfortable cruising aboard their 57 foot Hatteras LRC as we explore the Florida Keys with them, their two guests and their three dogs! This is also a great shakedown cruise for these new boat owners and allows them to feel more confident in planning a few trips to the Bahamas later this season.
- Our most recent adventure aboard SANDY HOOK introduces a novice couple to a great hands-on experience. After years of research and reading, the reality of boating comes true on a trawler training trip with us. Living the dream is everything and more. Give us a call and we’ll help you prepare and practice to your heart’s content.
- And the day before we head to Rhode Island we hop aboard a 39 Kadey Krogen to join the new owners for a day of beginner basics. This couple is eager to learn all about the systems which make this trawler such a wonderful cruising vessel. We make sense of all the hoses, fittings, gauges and assessories that support the enjoyable trawler lifestyle….whew! Not enough days in the calendar.
Preparing for Hurricane Season – It’s that H time of year and many cruisers are north of Cape Hatteras. In fact, the entire Atlantic East Coast, Gulf Coast, the Bahamas and Carribean are entering the heart of Hurricane season. Have a plan for protecting your boat, select a safe harbor and consider hauling your boat before you are in the path of a named storm. Check with your insurance requirements and determine if you need a professional captain to relocate your boat in your absence. Here in Florida we are fortunate to have skirted Tropical Storm Bonnie but the day before landfall we scurry to adjust lines, remove canvas, deploy more fenders and are prepared just in case. Let’s hope the expert’s predictions for 2010 are way off the mark. Contact us if we can help with your Hurricane preparation plans.
Planning for the future – 2010 Calendar:
- September 22-23, 2010 PassageMaker University Want to get in some practice? Sign up for the 2 day hands-on Building Cruising Confidence as a Couple at PassageMaker University. Hurry! Our courses fill up quickly. Register here
- September 24-26, 2010 TrawlerFest- Baltimore MD – Mark your calendar for TrawlerFest’s new Fall location in the Chesapeake Bay area. All About Anchoring and Cruising in the Florida Keys are popular seminars we will present in one of our favorite boating cities. Register for these and many other terrific topics at www.Trawlerfest.com. Don’t miss MARDI GRAS in Baltimore.
- October 24-27, 2010 AGLCA The Fall Rendezvous for America’s Great Loop Cruisers Association is a wonderful way to learn about the cruising lifestyle and is held at Joe Wheeler State Park in Alabama. Captains Alyse & Chris will present Cruising the Bahamas . Many Loopers are rounding out their journey and preparing to make the jump across the Gulf of Mexico before winter hits. Would you like to join AGLCA? Contact us at Captain Chris Yacht Services and we can sponsor your membership.…here’s how
- January 25-29, 2011 PassageMaker University & TrawlerFest- Fort Lauderdale, Florida – How would you like to spend the darkest winter days? Come to the bright southern latitudes and learn with us! call 772-205-1859 or email now!
PERFORMANCE COUNTS – It may be summertime but…start thinking kewl thoughts for the winter of 2010-2011. Now is the perfect time to plan a winter training charter aboard SANDY HOOK. Let’s compare calendars and start Living the Dream!