Vessel type/Length – Bertram Sportfisherman 52 feet
Cruising speed – 32 Knots
Engine type/Horsepower – Twin MAN V10 Diesels
The new owner wanted to make a few upgrades and take care of a bilge odor. We did a “crawl thru” and listed more items that needed attention before the boat left the US for Treasure Cay, Abacos, Bahamas.
Below are some items that were checked, repaired or replaced. Some technical items were addressed by respective qualified technicians.
Living spaces
- Ice maker was replaced.
- Refrigerator and freezer were recharged with Freon.
- Both heads were repaired
Machinery spaces
- Main fuel tank visual level “sight gauge” glass was replaced
- Both MAN Engines had the oil and filters changed
- Both pair of MAN turbos were removed for factory servicing to increase performance (4 total)
- ONAN Generator oil and filters changed
- Holding tank level transmitters were repaired
- Black water hoses were replaced to eliminate odors
- Hydraulic steering fittings were snugged to stop fluid seepage.
- Live bait well recirculating water pump was replaced
- A diver was hired to clean the bottom and replace zincs. He noticed the props were “dinged” and recommended they be removed for a prop shop to tune them up.
- Owner decided to haul the boat for prop work and bottom paint.
After all the scheduled – and unscheduled- work was completed then the boat owner and his friend took her across to the Bahamas.