TrawlerFest in Fort Lauderdale FL – Here we come! Have you registered yet for this terrific trawler show? If you can’t make it to Fort Lauderdale then maybe we’ll see you at…
TrawlerPort, Miami FL
Mates Only USPS, Vero Beach FL
Panama City Yacht and Boat Show, Panama City FL
TrawlerPort, Palm Beach FL
Gulfcoast Yacht and Boat Show, Gulfport MS
If you have the time, Captains Chris & Alyse have the place to teach you about Living the Dream of a cruiser!
Start your New Year right and make plans to join us as we share the dream with you through seminars all over the southern coast. And, in between our scheduled calendar dates (see below), our time aboard SANDY HOOK is quickly booking. You will have a blast when you come live and learn with us, building your cruising confidence as a couple! See what you are missing….
…Aboard Our Boat in Florida:
- Hurricane Isaac delayed this couple’s training trip but WOW! Such beautiful weather was worth the wait. See what living the dream is like when you come aboard with Captain Chris.
- Do you prefer a full displacement or semi-planing hull? This couple learned the difference and a bunch more. Discover your options with us….
- NEW opportunities in 2013 to Live the Dream with us. Call us 772-205-1859 or email to schedule your adventure of a lifetime.
…Aboard Your Boat ANYWHERE!
Here is another successful Selene delivery from the Chesapeake Bay to the Treasure Coast despite the weather.
New owners of a 53 DeFever POC – Performance Offshore Cruiser take trawler training with Captains Chris & Alyse. See how we can help you too…more here.
…or Follow Us Through The Latest in Magazine Print!
Here’s a link to SOUTHWINDS magazine where you can read all about TrawlerFest in our Trawler Talk column on line. It’s pretty convenient if you can’t find a copy of the latest free magazine in your local southern boating store.
Additionally we have another article in SOUTHWINDS January Issue about Looping in a Sailboat. Most boaters think only power boats under 19 feet can clear the bridges along the America’s Great Circle route but we’ll introduce you to a few SAILboaters who are in the process.
Cruising Blogs can help you on your journey to Living the Dream! A few of our clients keep amazing cruising blogs that should not be missed. You can have something in common with them too: They all had Captain Chris Yacht Services start them out on their journey. Link here
We keep getting emails from those who DID IT and want everyone to know how much fun they are having Living the Dream. Have a New Year’s Resolution to learn to drive a boat or a bucket list to start checking off? Call Captain Chris to schedule your adventure. 772-205-1859
January 29-30, 2013 TrawlerFest University Building Cruising Confidence As A Couple. Fort Lauderdale FL. This class SOLD OUT in the first three days of registration so please call us and schedule a private class aboard our training trawler in Florida. 772-205-1859
January 31-February 2, 2013 TrawlerFest-Fort Lauderdale FL. Our first afternoon we will show you the finer skills of changing a fuel filter without spilling a drop. Then get up early on the second day for an encore performance of CONFESSIONS OF A GALLEY SLAVE Captain Alyse makes your time in the galley another fun adventure. You might even score breakfast! Pick up some ideas we learned from living aboard and cruising for over 15 years on our 44 foot trawler. Next you will learn about CRUISING TOGETHER: HOW WE DID IT: From our first weekend adventures to living the dream aboard our boat SANDY HOOK, your eyes will be opened as we share our experiences cruising together— and we still like each other! Our final 90 minute TrawlerFest presentation is BAHAMAS BOUND: DESTINATION ABACOS: You will discover important supplies and available forms of communication while in paradise. Learn what customs and immigration issues you’ll experience in getting there and back. Then in between walking the docks and boarding beautiful new and seasoned trawlers come to our booth for some FREE tricks and tips from Captain Chris. Register for these and other terrific topics right here.
February 15-17, 2013 TrawlerPort Miami Put this SRO event on your calendar and check here for topics to be presented. Here is a site map that may help you find us in the Collins Avenue location. Come straight down ramp 4 and you won’t miss us.
February 21, 2013 – Vero Beach Power Squadron FL MATES ONLY Email Captain Chris before this FREE seminar fills up too- ONLY 9 places left!
March 15-17, 2013 Panama City Yacht and Boat Show – presenting many topics from Cruising the Bahamas to Pets Aboard and everything in between. Bert would love to meet you too!
March 22-24, 2013 TrawlerPort Palm Beach more info coming soon but rest assured we will be there to talk trawlers with you.
April 4-7, 2013 Gulf Coast Yacht and Boat Show Click here for more information and learn how you can join in the fun.
Want to get away to warm, sunny Florida this season? Don’t miss out!! We are filling our calendar fast. Make your reservations now aboard SANDY HOOK – our 44 foot training trawler while we still have a few trips available. If your calendar doesn’t work for any of our scheduled events just create your own private cruise aboard SANDY HOOK anytime. We have sunshine not SNOW in the winter and for summer there is always a cool ocean breeze! Email or call us 772-205-1859 and start living the dream. But don’t hesitate or you’ll miss the boat! Now booking for April, May and June 2013.
Check out our Facebook page or YouTube Channel for what’s happening in the trawler world.