Day to Day Maintenance

Part of buying and owning a cruising boat is keeping up with maintenance. Don’t fret- many of us who aren’t certified mechanics can and DO take care of our boats…and we perform easy and routine tasks that often prevent costly future problems. After all, as boat owners we are responsible for a small city….(gulp!) […]


Uh-Oh! Won’t Start!

Ready to go for a boat ride, you have checked your fluids and loaded up the galley in anticipation of a wonderful day on the water. Next step? The fuel dock where you take on 100 gallons and pump out your holding tank. All Set? You bet! Let’s get the engines purring again and let our lines free…Starboard? Go! Port?…Port? Um, Port?…hmmmm. […]


How To Select The Right Boatyard

What a great first season with your new boat! You’ve cruised to wonderful destinations, met fabulous boating friends and managed to find deep water…most of the time. Now you need to select a boatyard, but where do you start and what questions must be answered before you decide? […]


Pencil Zincs – Where to find them

We monitor a few online forums and try to help out where we can. Recently a few questions came up on the Great Loop forum about zincs for your engine and what to do about the occasional pieces of zinc that break off, possibly blocking water flow through the heat exchanger. […]