If you’ve ever dreamed of cruising or have looping on your bucket list then scroll down and check out some of our photos from the latest looper rendezvous.
Professionals in the cruising industry provided the loopers with terrific informative seminars including Safety equipment by Captain Henry Marx, How to buy/sell your perfect looping boat by Curtis Stokes and two seminars by Captains Chris and Alyse. In between meeting so many cruisers and cruiser-wannabes we presented:
DOCKING ABCs – Whether your boat has one engine or three (don’t forget the generator) we can help you become more comfortable with docking maneuvers. In this session we offer tips for both the helmsman and the mate and review a number of important fundamentals that will make docking a smooth operation!Order your DVD here..
BUILDING CRUISING CONFIDENCE AS A COUPLE: From their first weekend adventures to living the dream aboard a 44-foot trawler, your eyes will be opened by Captains Chris and Alyse Caldwell as they share their experiences cruising together- what works to Build Cruising Confidence. This presentation is a must for future cruisers who are wondering how it can be done.
Here is a short video of Captain Chris in the inflated liferaft.
Spring registration for Norfolk VA is open and spaces are filling fast. Click here to learn more about this terrific event.
Hope to see you there!!