The first TrawlerFest University of 2011 was a huge success. We had the pleasure of meeting so many trawler enthusiasts in all of our classes including one special couple from AZ. These land locked wannabe cruisers are on a one year plan to learn more about boats before they buy…or should I say WERE on a one year plan! After spending 2 days with us Building Cruising Confidence As A Couple, attending a seminar on Boat Buying Basics presented by Curtis Stokes, then walking the show…Poof! They just made on offer on their dream boat. We sea trial it for them next week then hop aboard with them for a shake down cruise.
Registration for May TrawlerFest Anacortes is now open-BUT! Building Cruising Confidence As A Couple is SOLD OUT! If you missed this class and want to learn more about living the dream with Captain Chris Yacht Services please schedule time aboard SANDY HOOK, our 44 foot Trawler in Florida. Spend a few days or a week living and learning aboard with us. Imagine you and your mate Living the Dream….cruising for an entire week with your own personal professional captains guiding you each step of the way! Here are a few of our latest trips aboard SANDY HOOK:
Two for Trawler Training. Here’s a quick look at a terrific trip with two girlfriends who wanted to get up to pace with their mates.
Canadian Cruisers. This couple smartly scheduled their training trip aboard SANDY HOOK to follow the TrawlerFest to get the most from their travels to Florida. See why
Superbowl on a Super Trawler…We do it right on SANDY HOOK! Read more…
Sometimes we train aboard YOUR boat anywhere! Here’s a sea trial on the newest Beneteau Swift Trawler 34
Captains’ Calendar
- April 19, 2011 SPACE SHUTTLE Endeavor -Cape Canaveral FL. You can witness this historic event from the deck of Sandy Hook. Let us know if you want to be aboard with us.
- May 10 & 11, 2011 TrawlerFest University – SOLD OUT! If you missed this in-demand class, Building Cruising Confidence As A Couple contact us to learn how you can schedule your own PRIVATE class aboard our trawler SANDY HOOK in Florida.
- May 12-14,2011 TrawlerFest– Anacortes WA. Presenting Confessions of a Galley Slave– making your time in the galley another fun adventure. After walking the docks and boarding beautiful new and seasoned trawlers come spend each afternoon learning safety tips from Captain Chris- See a Life Raft deployment, Man Overboard Rescue and Toss a Safety Line for practice! Register for these and other terrific topics right here.
- May 14-17, 2011 AGLCA Spring Rendezvous Norfolk VA. Come learn about the cruising lifestyle from real loopers who are living the dream and many who are still in the planning stages…just like you!
Check out our facebook page or YouTube Channel for what’s happening in the trawler world.
SUMMER & FALL SPECIALS! Think about a trip to Florida and JOIN US aboard SANDY HOOK – our 44 foot training trawler. Now offering Trawler Training each day with a Kayak side trip included!! Twice the fun! If your calendar doesn’t work for any of our scheduled events just create your own private cruise aboard SANDY HOOK this summer. We have air conditioning!!! Email your dates or call us 772-205-1859 anytime.